Tuesday, October 30, 2012

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In a small building below the point from the wormwood beam driven high spirits to go out for supper mosquitoes, after all, has been into the autumn, they did not how many days can be happy.
Beam through burning wormwood, Wenjun looked into the air - mosquito trace is less than wormwood itself Jumping long smoke that soon so near to station people can not, not to mention the mosquitoes.
to practice calligraphy.
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Stout top of the stomach to the edge of the desk, Wenjun suddenly sober look at the hands dipped in ink in Kai, in front of the newspaper, a drop of ink has been fleshed out tonight Wenjun the beginning of the work.
Time will move, and this world is busy people.
This is not the yard can already hear rapid pace - Wujun back to the.
Today he came back too early and some, he usually always the last one home, and this time, two hostess about still home on the road.
Courtyard door screen wall outside to see less than a yard situation Wujun general yard began to undress - just release the only armed belt Wujun this will sub in asking the servant during the day things to look for him. Wujun is a the hearts put no less than the things he handled, he is very concerned about the.
Into the small building, passing Wenjun study, Wenjun eager for his head, the one in the hands raised sandwiched letter.
That letter is really sent from Fuzhou, combined transport Chamber of Commerce.
Wujun pleasantly surprised to one letter caught the hands as they stood in the hallway Zuoshi Yu demolition, but stopped midway.
Less inclined,north face clearance, the Wenjun curious look at Wujun the, Wujun to tear the envelope hand stuck in the air for a few minutes, then hanging down. Wu Jun undo the buttons of clothes, slowly walked into the little study Wenjun,

Saturday, October 27, 2012

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Saturday, October 20, 2012

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Monday, October 15, 2012

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ildings, seems to have been no what can attract Yu know implicitly of the. But a burst from a distance came the playful sound, Yu know implicitly the attention that is a group of women is the palace women. Ancient too Las palace, generally only one or two queens, and not too many concubine. slapstick moment where a group of ladies, although the emperor there is not much concubine, but working women are carefully selected each one is so beautiful. coupled with a little edge because of the weather and wear
?Therefore, it is easy to get attention.
When Sheng Wu emperor to see Yu know implicitly began to gaze to invest in the ladies's, he immediately will be the heart's laugh together. If this time Yu know implicitly mentioned by any of the requirements, then he will put here all the ladies gave him. But Yu know the hidden openings, said out of words, but the emperor Sheng Wu a little disappointed. Hear Yu know implicitly say this, Sheng Wu emperor is not only disappointed, he even felt surprised, he really can not think of, there are interesting Dimens. For such an understanding and their Dimens the mention of her at this time what purpose if it is placed on the chaos Palace, may be easily and directly speak not seen but once the thought the Dimens is to die for their own his mood immediately heavy. Heard the emperor Sheng Wu say this, Yu know the hidden body immediately shocked,mlb baseball gear. May Sheng Wu emperor's words made him feel too stimulated, and even did not say a word to him a long time,reebok nfl, perhaps Yu know implicitly

Friday, October 12, 2012

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fraid of Kurdish guerrillas revenge, base made tight defense deployment: the deployment of a five commanding heights of the base peripheral connected guards, each installation of a radar in the recent strengthening air surveillance; 4 in the peripheral The strategic importance of each stationed in a camp as a guard base mobile strike force. Base surrounded up to the mines and heavy snake bone spurs wire fence Article patrol Road armored vehicles patrol 24 hours,free online base ball games. 4 external channels each one connected guards. The internal four armored infantry battalion as a mobile defense force, they have a 12 155-mm self-propelled howitzers. 3 air defense missile battalion is deployed base in southern column slope at the base of the edge of the area, in addition to the respective fire control radar, the huge remote phased array radar it can even monitor Iraq's northern airspace, and then attack Iraq play an important role in their information can be transmitted to the fire control radar, and high ground surveillance radar and fire control radar network. It stands to reason so tight deployment, so powerful enough to ensure the safety of the base. Indeed decades it safe. But five days before the situation mutation.
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