Monday, June 25, 2012

nike jordan the results of the remote control to start the bomb stolen

Terrorist organization's leaders pull light uncle,nike jordan, the FBI, the CIA joint reward of base One figure of 25 million dollars need to be replaced from time to time hiding place, but still kept planning to launch terrorist attacks in various sizes to maintain his the status of a brother also had outraged, beard tilt tall, it seems that the wrinkles are light by many, he's facing all two, three, four, fifth characters as well as several core members of the command: PII rally marks do we have to do it, he wanted to dig we must Tibet II: Seven are planning the bombing of Wall Street, Federal Reserve Bank? start immediately without fear of casualties, they join the organization must do for the organization dedication! we must strive for more time for friends, enemy's enemy is our friend! Third: immediately to prepare the camera, I want to personally announced to take responsibility for this incident, Seven act with my ! Core members of a youth to be excited about a few senior leaders perform the command of the pull light uncle gently pull the slack of the drop-down lights Uncle, . Selling swing man hesitated and finally by the repeated urging of the uncle could not pull the lamp, prevarication tells the whole story. Al-Qaeda more than once to send over terrorists sneaked into China to attempt its engine harsh terrorist attacks, the first group go to the capital of China, the capital fried overpasses, switch to the confusing results in the intricacies of the overpass on the last arrested by Chinese police; the second group of bus, even when the terrorists were the zha kits ready to grab boarded the vehicle to launch terrorist attacks can not able to squeeze up, the man is too much, jerseys, was finally arrested; third group attempted to blow up the largest XXX supermarkets, the results of the remote control to start the bomb stolen; the fourth group have not yet acted on the national highway toll station intercepted bombs and detonators. so on the thing it is too much, the last al-Qaeda is really no way within the organization, strictly not allowed to carry out terrorist operations in China, sacrificing After years of secret training terrorists is too sad.
Pull light uncle mouth twitch a few times, helpless sigh, as if all of a sudden old same-old, faint and said: our friends a little busy, Red China will be happy. Sell ​​swing guy seems to understand what, but he was aware of this time must let the leaders speak, he is dumber in order to realize the smart of the leaders, King Shrine.

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