Friday, July 6, 2012

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Give birth to eight feet, Baotoushucuan the Swordsman empty-handed rushed over, I hate him off four fingers and hate him the way, one knifed in his mouth. Refused to Swordsman kill the pig sounds, I chase Mr Allen stabbed.
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Is at this moment I shout: The knife was suddenly a powerful force push, crumbled into powder.
Four from the dark shadows suddenly jump out, is actually President Chen and the other three members, I hate: people looked at the body of Wang Ping, President Chen shook his head said to me: to see his murder, he tried to kill me to silence. Fortunately, you have come. Yu Runmei suddenly exclaimed: thing! you the person behind my non-kill not! I looked down to see covered in the scars, see also Mr Allen looming sinister smile, was irrational rage abnormal I Ziya eyes, the eyes of a sea of ​​fire. Not feel pain, all the things to see disappeared, only Mr Allen's grinning in the pupil. sky Suddenly thunder, I seem to find the guidelines upward roar on the day: Heaven finally feel my fury, to lay a dozen continuous thunder. I think the body thorns and the like through the skin out of crowded, extremely painful. Uncontrolled transported from the 10 successful force quickly run thirty-six weeks days, to ease the pain. body like inflated balloon outward expansion.
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