Tuesday, September 4, 2012

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Ran would not support, but the Li Hong backs, hands were injured along the way pain grimace in pain hard by two people adhere to teeth finally ran out of the woods, when the weather has been completely black.
Murong wind walking in front, suddenly he heard behind his soldiers were sent cheers. Murong wind looked back, suddenly angry. Chasing the iron wolves and Li Hong up segment Zhen and also carried on a stretcher, the second personal Waiwaidaodao has exhausted more than a dozen of his soldiers shouted excitedly, scrambling to meet up. Murong wind to see this scene, a move the hearts suddenly thought what filled with anger all of a sudden disappeared without a trace.
The people scattered, the trick is probably more difficult to achieve.
Murong wind stood there, motionless.
Iron Wolf and Li Hong went Murong wind in front of his soldiers were surrounded, we do not know the results of the command would look like the iron wolf and Lihong Gong contingent defy Marshal, a very tense. Iron wolf uneasy, low his head and whispered: Murong wind gently patted the shoulder of Iron Wolf,wholesale nba jerseys, leather strap taken down from the neck of the Iron Wolf, and then sets to his neck, and then he took from the hands of the iron wolf stretcher, looked around the crowd and exclaimed: His soldiers were at first surprised,cheap nfl jerseys, then silence, then again cheered. Surrounded by the crowd around the stretcher quickly to the the Bailu original rush.
About more than an hour in the dark on the prairie, the sudden appearance of a red dot, the red dot growing, appears more and bigger red dot, the pursuers finally appeared.
Murong wind strode walking in front, turned a deaf ear to report it under the opponent.
Stretcher by big his soldiers were now turns lift to save stamina improve road speed. Zhen or unconscious segment on the stretcher the Li Hong previous pull in a small woods several strains of weeds, taking advantage of their own without stretchers time, he weeds mashed shape into pie deposited in a paragraph Zhen wounds. the Iron Wolf did not ask him to know that he is doing something residual instinct or memory, asked also White asked.
His soldiers surprised and asked: the Li Hong surprised a moment, he did not carefully thought about, he just subconsciously believe that this weed can heal the wound, so just do it, as to why? He did not know, okay? He does not know but he own instinct not have to learn not to teach it touches very confident. blocking action in the woods, by instinct, his martial arts moves with those who walk away and come to kill more than twenty enemies in the past, he did not even want to dare not thought.
I must be an assassin. Li Hong believe that the judgment of the Murong wind, he believes these relatively rare. Assassin not only martial arts, will be hidden lurking, but also all sorts of weird ability.
Li Hong did not answer that his soldiers, walking in the front ranks of the Murong wind was talking,

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